Friday, February 08, 2008

open thread. post as you please....

as always, feel free to e-mail potential thread topics to


Anonymous said...

~Why is race still a problem in America?

All you have to do is read the blog comments to know that racism still exists--although in a covert manner.

Anonymous said...

as balck people why everything has to be approved by them or its racist,i whish i had been born with a built in excuse,everytime something doesn't go my way i could scream racisum

liberleft said...

new odds in offshore gamling on presidental race shows for first time a rep is odds show mccain first, obama 2nd, and hillary 3rd......charlie chris from fla is first choice for v.p., on rep side with huckabe distant 2nd......edwards is first vp choice on dem side, with obama 2nd it looks like a mccain/chris vs either Obama/edwards or hillary/obama...which of these 3 do you think is a winner........i would predict obama/edwards win popular vote but mccain/chris wins the electoral vote.....

Anonymous said...

What local races will we have this year? Any rumors who will run.

Anonymous said...

how can the most powerful country in the world move toward a trird world nation like we are doing now?

Anonymous said...

Socialism. This is exactly how. You will tax people into poverty and those that are already there will not be able to bring themselves up.
I could make these statements for a thousand years and people would still love the idea of government control.
Under stand that a redistribution of wealth only leads to less incentive to create wealth.
The only equality that is found in Socialism is an equal suffering.
I'm sure that everyone agrees with that old tale of "Give a man a fish- feed him for a day".
Well, realize this has REAL WORLD implications.
Ever wonder why there are people in foreign countries that have children without available food to support their needs?
We have subsidized their desire for finding abundant resources. If they starve its now OUR fault.


Anonymous said...

The reason this country is failing is division. The layers are seperating out with the poor being the biggest end with few ways out and the wealthy being smaller. The middle class is disappearing because the politicians have all confused people into thinking the things they do for the wealthy benefit the middle class.

The middle class and middle class jobs are vanishing.

They depend on people not being able to think for themselves. They'll throw out a buzzword or catch phrase like "fair tax" and the non-thinkers who want to hang on to the very things that are killing this country will suck up more of the "tax the working middle class" policies.

For example Bush (and Clinton) decreased taxes on the wealthy while increasing the burden on the middle class. They gave breaks (both Bush and Clinton) to companies for moving jobs offshore.

The way the system works is they feed their lapdogs a few catch words and they gobble it all up, and start supporting what actually is killing America.

A good example is the proposed "fair tax", which would shift an increased burden as a percentage of income on people the less they make. They've actually convinced some people that a 30% tax on every exchange, cars, boats, food, labor, houses, clothes, fuel, and even things exchanged from business to business or business to government is a great idea.

Fortunately that will never happen because most people understand that politicians lie, and the worse liars are almost always those who slap you in the face with the Jesus Fish.

But it does show how they still, despite the mess they have got us in, still believe the lies they tell.

Anonymous said...

According to the news this morning there is currently a bill on the floor of the house that would punish unlicensed drivers. 1st offense 2 days in jail, 4th offense becomes a felony. Opponents of the bill say it is unfair because it targets illegal immigrants.If the voters of this country keep electing idiots who think it's unfair to target people who are breaking the law in first place where we gonna be in 10 years. Americans will be the minority and then maybe we can get a hand out.

Anonymous said...

3:17 maybe we should charge those politicians with aiding in a crime and tell them to resign.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the system is broken. The Republican's are are at fault, the Democrats are at fault.

They are both tearing down the middle class that made America different. They do it by telling falsehoods to our people. Like the immigration stuff. Look at the lies there. Bush says the Mexicans do jobs "no other people want", but that isn't so. The Democrats won't go against them because they want the votes of their legal friends, the Republicans because of the votes and the cheap labor they offer.

I know first hand of an illegal Mexican making $14 dollars an hour who claims so many dependents no taxes are taken from his check. He goes to the hospital and claims he makes minimum wage so he gets free medical. He pays no tax, he gets full medical. He makes $35k a year with overtime. Working right next to him is a black who makes the same money, pays tax, and does not get free medical.

If that mexican fathers a kid in the USA with another illegal, the kid is born a citizen and they get to stay.

The fair tax is another big lie. The Bush tax cuts are another. They are mostly all for the very richest.

We are in trouble. The middle class is vanishing. We are spending more and more on a senseless war that will never end. The Arabs have been killing each other since before Jesus walked the earth, they will only stop when they decide to stop. We can stay there a thousand years and unless we want to just slaughter them we won't ever stop their fighting.

They've all lied to us and convinced us they are working to help us, but the real problem is the seasoned politicians. They make up big stories to get our support and we mostly believe them because we have lost all our common sense. They play us all against each other so we never get together and figure out they are all no good.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work you mindless hippies.
You both knock the FairTax but neither one of you have read the book or legislation. Don't even try, I could tell by earlier posts.
You are so f88king dumb that you STILL think this is a partisan issue.
I have given you a link to look into before but obviously you choose not to do so, it helps to fuel your mindless Blog ego without having facts to deal with.
You cannot define Middle Class, let alone try to tell us how it is hindered by giving our employers a tax break.
I would put my name and money behind my beliefs,, what say you.
You exist here on the blog and that's it. People like you cannot compete in bar room chat or Sunday School.
You are the thorn in the side of America, not those you point the finger at.
Also, make up some kind of name to sign to your posts so that I can make you look like a fool. I put my name at the bottom of mine because I stand behind them. You stand behind PORT-O-POTTYS and wait to hear the latest sh*t.


LOOK^^^^^, see how easy it is to put a name on a post.
If you would? Tell me the last time you became an employee of a poor man, you seem to hate rich men so this is a great question. I seem to think that poor employers are not the norm, maybe your experience is different?

Its questions like this that the Liberal Parade can't go around.

liberleft said...

to fair tax,,,,,,,,if want to pay increased sales tax, go ahead and do it ....i am sure the state and feds will accept it....but the great majority of americans see it as it really is,,,,,a way for the rich to avoid tax on the amount they make in excess of their spending........the rich have enough loopholes whith the current system....we dont trust the congress and irs to make the fair tax really fair,,,,,if yall want to reduce the size of the federal government, try reducing the dept of homeland security and the defense dept,,,,,not the irs.....think of all the poor accountants with nothing to need to stop being the pawn of a very few right wingers who want to divert the national attention away from healthcare, iraq war, and the economy.........stop wasting out time and your energy on a dead before it starts issue that nobody wants.......boortz doesnt even really want it, he just wants to get people riled up and increase ratings.......just like jerry springer......intellectuals dont watch or listen to trash talking....and can you post without alling people names or cursing

Anonymous said...

We need to put more money into homeland defense and the military!

Anonymous said...

Why do people use apostrophes with plural words? This person added one to Republican, but not Democrat?

"The problem is the system is broken. The Republican's are are at fault, the Democrats are at fault."

Anonymous said...

The apostrophe is used incorrectly

Anonymous said...

Looks like we have a good ol hate fest coming here to Berkeley, CA. Some hate group has come all the way from Kansas to protest Berkeley's stance on the Marines. The funny thing about this is, this particular hate group doesn't like the Marines, Code Pink or the City of Berkeley. I work at UC Berkeley which is one block from the Marine's Recruiting Center and we've been warned to watch out for protesters all this week. Code Pink protests there every single day but FOX News have blown it out of proportion to where we have to be concerned with our safety. Can we protest more important issues than this?

liberleft said...

fox news blows everything.....they dont give news, they give propaganda.....they are faux news.......they are like a tabloid......they are just trying to get people riled up......if liberals were sheep and could be lead as easy as conservatives, then fox would start giving out liberals views......start watching msnbc, cnn, and abc and you will be informed and can make up your own mind....

Anonymous said...

Yea, thats what we need, MORE liberal news. How many years have we been "force fed" news from the lefties and now that we have something that goes against them they call it propaganda? I dont understand... I thought lefties wanted balance? Guess their idea of "Change" is "come on over to the dark side"

motoman said...

I want to know why no one has complained about the rail road crossings?

Anonymous said...

I want to know why inmates can go across the tracks and clean up peoples yards and cut their grass

Anonymous said...

you mean yall still have chain gangs in ga......i thought they were wonder the southern police make so many blacks arrests......they need the free help.....not enough mexicans to do the work that whites wont do

liberleft said...

i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulactlty uesdnatnd waht i was rdanieg. the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid aoccdrnig to rscheearch at cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghitpclae.. the rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. this is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe..amzanig huh?

liberleft said...

you may be a redneck republicn if you cant read the above

anonymous said...

TJ Outfitters is being bought out and will change hands Thursday. I wish the federal government would give me money to buy a service station. Or better yet, and this is for Lieberlefts benefit, why not a hard working hispanic? Its alway the same people from the same place. History will look back on us and we will be known as the generation who gave away America. The last, and i mean last time is was in one of his stations i heard the owner tell an elderly lady he had no public restroom. If it had been me i would have pissed on his building.

liberleft said...

dont blame me.....all these bad things are happening on george bush's watch........

Anonymous said...

If the LEFT is about working "Together" in politics.... An McCain is considered a "republican" but by the "Republican" standards he's actually a Democrat, why wouldnt Liberals vote for him?

OH.... it's because they LIE about working together! They WANT a split country, They dont want us to work together, they want to cry!!

Anonymous said...

i think alot of white southern democracts will vote for john mccain

Anonymous said...

has the issue of fair tax ever been voted on in any county, state, or federal election....has it been voted on by any state or federal legistature.....if so has it won any of the elections.....

Anonymous said...

The FairTax has been introduced to each Congress since July of 1999 which equals 5 total since each congress is in session 2 years at a time. It has never reached a vote in the House or Senate but it has grown enormously without mass media attention (till now) and has gathered more support and Congressional Sponsors/Co-Sponsors (72 and they are BI-PARTISAN) than ANY OTHER CURRENT TAX REFORM *INCLUDING THE FLAT TAX*!!!!


Anonymous said...

i am a republican! if the stunt romney pulled today is a ploy for v.p. and mccain names him, i will vote democrat and wont even care if hildabeast is running. im sick and trired of lieing aholes in politics.

Anonymous said...

Then you need to quit listening to politicans if you dont like lies. How do you know a politician is lying? There mouth is moving!

liberleft said...

maybe there is a reason that the fairtax has never been brought up for a vote......only a few voters are really interested in it.....and the politics(at least the smart ones) realize that it is a very very very bad idea that cant work, fairtax4me, forget about it,

Anonymous said...

Liberleft, get a clue!

You don't even know what you stand for. You do nothing more than repeat things you have heard. You do not understand the FairTax and I can't make you read it. Your posts are based on fiction and I call you out on it and then you try to attack the FairTax which you have no idea about. This leads to meaningless posts between us (you cannot debate facts only mindless opinions) resulting in your pride being shattered.


liberleft said...

i have in fact read alot about it and it doesnt make sense to not see how it would help the average middle class....and i am not in favor of helping the rich......cant see the government can afford to mail out all those prbate checks, and it would cost a lot to keep up with the keep fraud....wont work, wont pass, keep dreaming but remember, the country isnt as dumb as it acts....

Anonymous said...

Dear Fair Tax,

I'd like to pass on something to you that makes life a little better.


Anonymous said...

or a redneck republican