as shon disola, 36 (left). disola has family in barnesville and a reward is offered for his arrest. call 358.1244 if you have info on his whereabouts.
details where you would expect them at www.barnesville.com
this is an open discussion forum. keep it clean. personal attacks on private citizens will not be tolerated. you may discuss politics if you like but you may not rip or endorse specific local candidates.
They found his absentee ballot on the floor of the bank, he must have dropped it before he mailed it in. He voted for Hillary, go figure.
;;;;;;BREAKING NEWS;;;;;;;;;
Instead of using their drivers licenses, Democratic voters have now been allowed to use current mugshots. This has angered some Democratic leaders because now they have nothing to bitch about. One Democratic Senator was overheard saying that "this will enable all Democrats to produce some form of ID.... how we spouse to get double votes and dead votes now? This is typical of the Republicans with their silly schemes for voter clarity and honesty." The Senator then left the building where he was approached by a drunken bum who asked him for a dollar. The Senator robbed a dollar from a passer-by and gave it to the drunken bum. When the passer-by got angry he was told to shut up and was informed that this was merely his debt to society. The Senator then spit at him and called him a racist. The drunken bum then followed the passer-by into the ally way and shot him in the back with an illegally purchased firearm and took the rest of his belongings. The murdered victims registered firearm was found in his car parked two blocks down the street, for firearm restrictions and safety concerns. An illegal alien filled his job opening the following day, got drunk that night to celebrate the new position, and ran head on into a bus full of school children on the way home leaving lifeless bodies scattered on the road.
The Senator drove by them on the way to the bank with more confiscated money and upon seeing dead white children on the bus he concluded that they must have snatched the wheel into the illegal immigrants lane as some bizarre form of revenge for having to recite the Spanish National Anthem everyday after the National Anthem of the United States every morning as required by law.
Al Gore blamed Global Warming and Hillary and Obama blamed Bush tax cuts for the whole episode.
I'll bet the thought of saying "President Hillary Clinton or President Barack Obama" really sends a shiver up your spine huh?
Enjoy your next four years....even McCain is a liberal.
You are absolutely right. I shiver. I cannot believe how we can be so blind to this socialist transformation. GOODBYE AMERICA!
Way to go B'ville PD! Great job!
I bet someone is jealous...bet somone cant stand it because he hasnt made the news!
we all know it's honkey's fault. he should have been given a million dollar a year job straight out of the 8th grade. i'm sure he would still be broke cuz you know how whitey takes advantage of black people.
joke all you want to, but if we in ;eorgia keep talking like that; the rest of the country will start making fun of us instead of ala. and miss.
the truth hurts doesn't. i'm fed up with all this crying
He steals $500 and we all get stuck with the tab on his incarceration.
That's not a good deal at all.
Lets seal the border and start sending our convicts across the river for Mexico to support.
Now that's a great deal!
It never ceases to amaze me the Republicans, after the total mess they and Bush made of our country, still want to attack other people.
Look at the state this contry is in with the lying, stealing, money hungry, pretending to be God-like Republicans.
A fellow from Saudi Arabia with a crew mostly from there spent in the thousands of dollars to destroy two towers and our poor leadership president who had never run a successful business reacts exactly the way Binladen wanted. We are now trillions of dollars in debt fighting in a country that never was a problem to us, we won't seal the borders because both Democrats and Republicans get votes from the Mexicans, we have lost a record number of high paying secure manufacturing jobs, and we think the solution is to polarize more people with this idiotic liberal vs. conservative argument.
The conservatives screw the middle class and ruin our country just as much as the liberals do. Look at the shape the conservatives have gotten us into now.
usually politics is same as driving a car...R for reverse and D for drive.....but this time the country will go forward with any of the three....we should all be happy and thankful.....just vote for the best looking between hillary, oboma, and mccain....just remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
i ain't drun nut'in,dem folks jus blam'in me cus i be black,day got da wrong dog dis time,i was width my gurilfriend sha-na-na,ax my wife- she know i stay at sha's shack on mondays,i'm tell'n ya i seen pooh-dog- he who done it,
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