Friday, January 04, 2008

what do the iowa wins by obama and huckabee...

mean to the presidential race?

can you envision either man being president? why or why not?


Anonymous said...

obama is not muslium.....he is a christian.....but neither huck or obama can be president....odds are 1.rudy.2.mccain.3.hilliary.4. one else has chance of being nominated.....regardlless of who gets nominated to run against him, Rudy is our next president.....the big press, the generls, the cia, the power brokers, the banks, and wall street have alreaady made up their all but a done deal.......we have to just put up with it

GMAC said...

President - Dem Caucus
Iowa - 1781 of 1781 Precincts Reporting - 100%

Obama Barack, 940 38%
Edwards John 744 30%
Clinton Hillary 737 29%
Richardson Bill 53 2%
Biden Joe 23 1%

President - GOP Caucus
Iowa - 1702 of 1781 Precincts Reporting - 96%
Huckabee , Mike 39,814 34%
Romney , Mitt, 29,405 25%
Thompson , Fred 15,521 13%
McCain , John, 15,248 13%
Paul , Ron, 11,598 10%
Giuliani , Rudy,4013 3%

Take a look. I guess Iowa is no doubt republican. The outright loser in the republican caucus (Giuliani) got 4 time the votes of the democratic winner.

A @ 4:12 PM - What you been smoking? Giuliani apparently has a plan too, (like someone else) but he don't want to tell what it is either. Huck or Fred T. is A-0K with me. I guess if the system is dead in the US, I pissed away 30 years defending a country for the rich. I think you have a poor outlook.

Anonymous said...

twice as many people voted in the democractic primary.....the totals you are listing are total votes in the repubican side but the number under the dem side is number of superdelagates are trying to cmpare apple to organes......alot of rep and ind people voted with the democracts....most of them voted for obama.....for some reason they want to run against him instead of edwards or hillary

GMAC said...

Well excussssse me. I only put down what the Media printed. Take the matter up with them.

Anonymous said...

alot of republicans switched to vote for obama just like they did in 1988 .....when tons of republicans voted for Jesse Jackson......Jackson carried the democratic primaries in texas, la., mississippi, ala., georgia, so. carolina, and really dont believe that the democracts in those states thought he could win the general election or that they wanted him to........the republicans knew that george bush the first was a sure primaary winner, so they voted in the dem primary just to screw up the works.....

Anonymous said...

the republicans are all toast this year. Their corruption and lies has done them in.

the democrats aren't far behind.

the americans are getting screwed. by both parties and they know it.

GMAC said...

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson

It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty.
James Monroe

I'm guessing old T.J. knew what he was talking about.

I said...

Elephants (GOP) will kick Ass (Dem). We don't need liberal democrats in office and we don't need republican wantabes. We need a leader now more than ever. Unfortunately we have to accept what has come forward for now and the closest one I see that has any potential is Huckabee.

To run for the highest office, the candidate should not be party attached at all, anyway. They suppose to work for all the people and not for a party. That's kinda hard to do when they start off with the party cord still attached.

Anonymous said...

I guess there are some people with their heads in the sand who either can't or won't admit that the repulicans they fall in line behind are just as much a bunch of corrupt self-serving dishonet liars as the democrats they claim to be superior to.

George W. Bush, a DRAFT EVADER who hid in the national guard, has gotten us into a mess in Iraq when the Osama was over near Pakastan. He thinks it is OK for the Mexicans to pour across the border and suck the healthcare resources and money out of this country, and the rest of his party and the democrats are largely the same.

The lowest form a country can sink to is when leaders are selected by money or party instead of the merits of the individual.

Had George W Bush stood on his management style or abilitly to make good decesions, he never would have made more than mananger at McDonald's in Barnesville.

Instead he made a guy that actually went to Nam look like a poor leader while he got his own draft evading butt in office where he has lied and misled us to the point that we might not ever recover this country.

Blacks and white alike better face the fact the republicans and democrats are taking us down the road to ruin. And the draft evader moron that pretends to be a tough big fly boy has been one of the worse in history.

Anonymous said...

i like that "bareback obammy" him the "hildabeast" ---man this country is screwed up when they would elect a muslim or a lier married to a dope smoking lier that sold america out to the chinese

Anonymous said...

barnesville ida sold the americans out then did they not?

talk about dope what about coke. what about the ex-coke snorter and drunk we have as president now?

GMAC said...

VEIN - Do What?

When you fell out of that turnip truck, I think you landed on your head. I hope the damage is not long lasting. Get Well Soon!