Thursday, January 17, 2008
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this is an open discussion forum. keep it clean. personal attacks on private citizens will not be tolerated. you may discuss politics if you like but you may not rip or endorse specific local candidates.
Yes election time is nearing once again and I see that Commissioner Hardwick plans to run for re-election to his district four post. I would like to remind Commissioner Hardwick that the seat he wishes to occupy IS to represent all the people of District 4 in Lamar County. The seat IS NOT to favor the needs of the City of Barnesville while turning your back on the county citizens. Barnesville has a City Council elected to serve those city citizens.
Let’s refresh, shall we.
1. Gave away 18 acres of “COUNTY” land.
2. Gave away the COUNTY barn.
3. Obtained Summers Field but: Gave away Summers Field.
4. Agreed to split the sale of 67 acres of “COUNTY” land with Barnesville.
What can be accomplished with four more years?
And what exactly does asking the Board of Tax Assessors to “provide leeway” with the commercial reappraisal process mean? Without breaking any laws of course. Is that another one of those stay within the spirit deals?
Here is your opportunity to offer any excuses.
I hope someone else qualifies. Two terms is enough and it's time to put the Burnette/Brinkley/Hardwick/Stephensera behind us for good. This community deserves so much more. Thanks for what you've done Gene but please stay at home while someone else qualifies.
I think it's time to have a new commision board elected, so we can get awayfrom the good ole boy system, so we can get this county up to par. Gene and George look out for them selves. lef,s get new blood in there. it's up to us as citizens to male that happen. unfortinately we have 3 more years with george brown.
I'm disappointed the moderator is deleting posts that are not personal attacks against privite citizens. I put a post on that reminded people how Hardwick got behind a few people on tax issues (without naming names or being specific) and he removed it.
I also mentioned Burnette in that post and how he really wants to run to get benefits after he supported personal friends who gave away county money to the city.
People will all be reminded of this either here or through other sources. So deleting a post here about the bad or careless way our local politicians do business or support friends won't help. Reminding people of our elected officials do for friends at the expense of the county taxpayers is not libel or an attack. It is all fact.
Unless of course you have a business in downtown. Then you deserve a special tax break.
come on good ol boys lets get this thing slowed down the way we like it
Anyone can look at the record and see that Hardwick has a history of asking for special friends (and himself) that costs the general tax paying population money.
I remember when he specifically went to bat for a fellow who was making a small group of lots who somehow wanted to be exempted from paying for a water hookup. There were also conservation and other issues.
Hardwick and Burnette are also part of the same group who picks the same people to run things like the Ag Authority. Then when those folks get bored with their community responsibility or can't handle their task, they quit following the law and give things away they have no business giving away. No one ever holds them accountable because they are in the "in crowd".
How long do you think someone less favored could have a junkyard by the railroad tracks without having to clean it up?
Hardwick and Burnette are a big part of that problem also, not just the city.
They are a lot like the politicians running this country. They shift the burden a grain of sand at a time on the general population to kiss up to a few special people. They either have no concept of who pays when they mess up or do favors or they just don't care.
They can't or won't learn that when they bend a rule to help themselves or a friend they are stiffing the rest of us.
Businesses and old time buddies need to follow the rules and laws just like everyone else. If they don't we are all hurt. Hardwick needs to get his head wrapped around that concept, that we are all equal under the law.
This includes pushing the assessors to cut the downtown people some special slack. I don't see Hardwick going after Mayo for jacking residential property way up in disproportionate amounts compred to "friends and family".
The downtown is Barnesville's problem, not the county. They already ripped the county off for millions. Let Kenny stop carrying burgers over to the jail and calling judges with Gene for his buddies and do something to help the businesses with the money they ripped off the county taxpayers for. Why does everyone in office have to bleed the county property owners dry to help Barnesville? They've stolen enough county resources to help the businesses. Hardwick doesn't need to steal some more by asking the assessors to cut them special slack.
Let's just see how long the moderator lets this post stay up.
don't worry. in about a month when the good ol boys are in strong control of the county and city we can all sleep good. progress is not always good. remember the bigger they are the harder they fall. so keep us a small town and county.
Everyone complaining about war cost; check this out! Your other tax money at work.
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare and Social Services by the American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two-and-a-half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US.
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report.
12. The National Policy Institute, 'estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.'
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.
14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States'.
Total cost is a whooping... $338.3 BILLION A YEAR!!!
The United States Senate voted to extend Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens beginning in 2008. The following are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits. They are grouped by home state. If a state is not listed, there was no voting representative.
Arizona: McCain(R)..Presidential Candidate Illinois: Obama(D)..Presidential Candidate New York: Clinton(D)..Presidential Candidate
Alaska: Stevens(R)
Arkansas: Lincoln(D) Pryor(D)
California: Boxer(D) Feinstein(D)
Colorado: Salazar(D)
Connecticut: Dodd(D) Lieberman (D)
Delaware: Biden(D) Carper(D)
Florida: Martinez(R)
Hawaii: Akaka(D) Inouye(D)
Indiana:Bayh(D) Lugar(R)
Illinois: Durbin (D)
Iowa: Harkin(D)
Kansas: Brownback(R)
Louisiana: Landrieu(D)
Maryland: Mikulski(D) Sarbanes(D)
Massachusetts: Kennedy(D) Kerry (D)
Montana: Baucus(D)
Nebraska: Hagel(R)
Nevada: Reid(D) New Jersey:Lautenberg(D)Menendez(D)
New Mexico: Bingaman(D)
New York: Clinton(D) Schumer(D)
North Dakota: Dorgan(D)
Ohio: DeWine(R) Voinovich(R)
Oregon: Wyden(D)
Pennsylvania: Specter(R)
Rhode Island: Chafee(R) Reed(D)
South Carolina: Graham(R)
South Dakota: Johnson(D)
Vermont: Jeffords(I) Leahy(D)
Washington: Cantwell(D) Murray(D)
West Virginia: Rockefeller(D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin: Feingold(D) Kohl(D)
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