after being routed by obama in south carolina.
who will be the next president of the united states?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
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this is an open discussion forum. keep it clean. personal attacks on private citizens will not be tolerated. you may discuss politics if you like but you may not rip or endorse specific local candidates.
Neither one is fit nor qualified to be the president. In my opinion, none seeking the office "Democrat or Republican" is qualified for the job.
We need a leader that is willing to take care of the homefront and finish the job abroad.
All we have is a bunch of liars trying to tell each different group of people what they want to hear just to get a vote. When in office, it will be just as usual.
Why don't you run for president, McCall? You seem to be a nay sayer and can find fault with everyone else. Maybe you're the man who can save ourt nation. lol
This contest hasn't even gotten warmed up yet. The GOP would love to see Obama get the nomination because they know they won't be able to beat Clinton.
It will be: Clinton Vs Mccain
Clinton is the smartest...McCain is the hero....Is Hillary done? I don't think so.............Romney is one to watch, also.
Obama is gifted with a voice for America, but is so not ready for the presidency.
everyone knows that neither hillary or obama can or will be elected president......therefore it makes no difference which one wins the dem. primary.......only thing that matters is which republican is nominated.....i have said for months that it should be rudy, because he is the most moderate candidate in the field.....but now that he has faded......we should go for the next most moderate, that be John McCain....and hope that he doesnt pick a strict conservative to balance the ticket(in case he is unable to run in 2012
Walter continue being columnist because you will never be a president.
You people are so afraid of change. I bet at least 4 of you voted for Bush and look where you are. If you are not suffering from your poor judgement I'm quite sure that a family member is.
How could a columnist such as your self publish racial comments such as this? Such good ol boys, NOT!!!!!!!!
i heard Dane Bishop was running as Obama's Vice Pres.????what up with that???
come on broke back big ear obammy,and yo lieing commy hag the hildabeast clinton-show the rest of the world just how screwed up this country realy is
there is a pitchure of him i heard with the rev jessie jackson at a fund raiser.
Obama is about the only one running that tells the truth. Hillary lies just as much as Bill, and George W certainly sets an all time record for liar liar.
People are totally sick of the old machine. Our country is being bled to death by Republicans like Bush and Democrats like "lie and twist" Hillary and her lying spouse Bill. You all can vote for ANY of the current crop and you will get the same trash we had with Bush.
I'm a married white male mid 40's with two kids making $200k a year. I was registered as a Republican. After watching the campaining I'd vote for Obama without a second thought. I'd even vote for Billary, as deathly sick as that makes me feel, rather than any Republican after the way Bush screwed up our country.
I feel like vomit is in my throat when I think of Clinton, but anything is better than another Republican.
I need a break from Republicans at any cost. I just sent Obama a check for $1000. My first contribution ever to a Democrat and it was all because of Bush.
i just hope that walter loves what he is doing and doesnt get into politics......after reading his article in 1-29 paper about what he would do he is really whacked......i guess that blows the talk about the liberal media bias
It's funny 6:20 PM, you don't sound like someone making 200K a year. You sound more like an Obama supporter (or another political liar) trying to sway republican voters. Would you even know the truth if you heard it? I don't think so. I don't believe you are a married white male mid 40's with two kids either. Try another angle!
6:20 makes 200k a year WHAT A JOKE!!you better hurry up and get back to SONICS and get those fries ready
Sad news for you unprofessional hayseed hicks, but the Republicans are screwing you just as bad as they are me.
Look at the idiotic idea Bush is pushing. Bush and Clinton shipped our jobs out at record rates with NAFTA and other poor trade agreements. Bush then went into the wrong country to capture a small group of terrorists. With his war and other flawed economic choices made by the REPUBLICAN controlled House and Senate proceeded to spend far more money than the USA collects in taxes.
Bush handed BinLaden exactly what he wanted. With a few dollars and a dozen people he forced Bush to spend trillions of dollars in a panic reaction while Bush and the rest are too stupid to simply seal the borders and keep track of people comming in.
Now that Bush (and Clinton) sent all the jobs out of country the poor under skilled or under educated masses can only depend on welfare. Bush won't even get rid of the millions of illegal aliens that are draining our country of money because he doesn't want to offend business people who employ illegals.
With a massive crisis caused by middle class and lower middle class credit card debt and people overextending themselves on credit for homes and cars, Bush comes up with the solution. Give our debt saddled people a few hundred dollars from an already bankrupt government. Tell them, the people that are already broke from too much spending, to spend the money the governemnt never had to give.
The saddest part about all of this is some people are so ignorant they buy into Bush's plan.
10:00AM I got news for you. They all been screwing us for years and when we unite we can do something about it. But, 75% of voters don't know any better.
I'd bet most of the people that vote don't have the faintest idea who or what they are voting for.
They listen to stuff that is an obvious lie designed to whip them into a frenzy against someone else and then vote for the liar.
Both parties are guilty of this. One good example is the VietNam issue with Kerry and Bush. Bush was a draft evader. Anyone from the 60's knows how that worked. Rich kids' dads would pull strings and get them into college or the National Guard to avoid the draft, middle class and poor kids had to go. The Republicans didn't like the fact Kerry was actually in Nam so they started some false rumors.
The result was everyone ignored the fact George W the drunk shirked any obligation to serve this country, while a fellow that actually went got slammed for his service by false rumors.
The Clintons play the same way. They start totally false rumors about Obama, like he is a Muslim that won't swear on a bible, to divert the issue from Hillary and her lies.
Hillary is really pro big money, just the same as the Republicans are. But the Clinton team has lies and half-truths after years of practice down to a science, so she can probably pull off the illusion she is pro working man and pro poor person.
In the meantime the middle class, which was once the source of America's real wealth, will be ignored. The non-working poor will get a handout, the illegal Mexicans will get a handout, the very rich or above middle class will get a handout, and the people that made this country what it once was will get screwed.
The latest lie by Bush and his machine is about the economy. He gave a speach today saying freetrade is good, and that 75% of what America makes is exported. That is EXACTLY correct, but the lie is one of omission. What Bush omitted is the fact that manufacturing is down to a few percent of what it once was. We really export 75% of the few percent that remains, and the few percent was caused by bad trade agreements. The biggest hit came from Clinton's NAFTA.
Remember NAFTA? NAFTA was promised as a way to stop illegal Mexicans from coming across the border. Didn't work at all. Just like Ross Perot said, NAFTA simply drained what was left of our manufacturing while NOT stopping illegal immigration.
One big campaign issue is always guns. the Republicans want us all to have guns, probably so we can just shoot ourselves in the head when this country finally collapses and those who worked so hard have nothing left to live for.
If I could have evaded the draft during Vietnam, I would have done it in a minute. I tried to get into the National Guard but they had their quota, so I wound up in the army. The low life's who badmouth Bush for getting into the Natinal Guard are just jealous because they couldn't get in. W lost 75,000 soldiers in Vietnam and they are still a communist country. What did we accomplish?
gi joe
That's what happens when governmental leadership trys to run a war. Viet Nam could have been much different. I know because I served. But that's all water over the dam now. However, we can learn from history and not let the liberal politicians and the media take over. It is imperative that we finish what has been started and expand it if necessary.
i think the point he was makin is that bush plyas like a war hero when he was really a draft dodger. people who not smart enoungh to see through the bs should not be allowed to vote. i think we can fix this with a facts checking websight. does anyone know if their is one?
lets all just chill.....remeber that happy days are here again,,,,,,now we are down to three...mccain, hillary , and obama......and they all are we havent got to put up we the extreme right, unless mccain picks huck and then dies early
yes, Lamar co. will definitely be Mccain territory....will be good to see all the rednecks voting for a true liberal.....just so they dont have to vote for a black or a woman.....
You are right. I will never vote for anyone black!
For everyone that suggested not to vote for a black person, go attend a Klan Meeting, including Walter. You people are very ignorant, and I see why reading Walter's columns.
Check your history, it was the black woman that nurished your ancestors kids while in slavery, and if you don't want to vote for a black woman, or black in general stop damn tanning and getting botox shots to have becoming features such as ours.
I need to start a leaderboard to prevent us people from feeding your hungry ass at Pastime.
but remember, the rednecks dont need you blacks anymore, they have the mexicans.....the new improved blacks.....they just cant figure out what to do with the blacks that they dont use anymore....
yes, go mccain....he will get us more mexicans, so the price of labor will get even cheaper....and the influx of illegals can buy our glut of houses....and maybe enough of them will be young and healthy enough that we can make soldiers out of them ....then we can borrow more money from china so we can then invade iran......aint it great
obama is the most liberal but is unelectable....Hillary is too far to the right of the democratic party....John McCain is a good moderate republican who can work with the liberal wing of the dem. party....he can get things done by uniting the two parties....Hillary could never get the right to agree with her......therefore we should all be happy with John....Just hope he doesnt go too far right when he is choosing a running mate
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