Monday, January 28, 2008

in honor of super bowl week, the best qb ever...


Anonymous said...

While I actually had the honor of watching Johnny U play, I'm not sure he can be considered the best qb ever. The game has changed so much since then, it is impossible to compare players from the various eras.

Plus Johnny U's Super Bowl stats are not very impressive. 11 for 24 in Super Bowl 3 loss to the Jets & 3 for 9 in Super Bowl 5.

Anonymous said...

Terry Bradshaw gave my wife a Bulldog so I know he was the best!

Anonymous said...

Greatest qb ever...hmmmmm
Danny Williams.

Anonymous said...

As of this year....Tom Brady!

Anonymous said...

Who had the old Barnesville Academy reels. That has to be either Jeffry the Great Marable or Scotty to Hotty Tenny in that film?