Thursday, January 31, 2008

if you were moderating this blog, what would...

your posting rules be?


Anonymous said...

free for all. i know this blog was intended to be enlighting, but it turned out to be comedy. a good laugh never hurt anyone

Anonymous said...

You have to protect the innocent. There should rules of civility to follow.

Anonymous said...

leave it as it is.......but try to limit your editoral comments.....also have one area each day that it a place for us to start a topic....

Anonymous said...

I like this blog the way it is. That's why I continue to read it.

Anonymous said...

Citizens should be protected from people who have nothing better to do than attack their credibility. When comments begin to attack individuals, they should be removed. Topics of all kinds should be allowed for discussion but screening for rediculous and harmful attacks on our local citizens is a must. People in higher positions such as law enforcement, political seats, education, the court system etc. are working day in and day out to protect this community. This is not a place to tear them down. When this does happen, these people are most often too professional to respond. Yet the blog is left on entirely too long and assumptions are made based on the two or three rediculous people who stay on it to bash people. If you want to complain, apply for thier jobs. Get out in this community and help make Barnesville a better place to be. People work entirely to hard for you to sit around all day and bash them. If you have something of importance to say to them, have enough guts to call and tell them, instead of posting anonymous. So I say, protect the people! Barnesville is full of wonderful caring people.

Anonymous said...

602 how true

liberleft said...

every 10 days, the area that is our to express opinions should be started anew,,,,,,also would be nice is there was a national news, local news, political, and humor we dont have a lot of garbage to go thru to read what we are interested in seeing