$14.4 million in sonny's bond package for new nursing building.
more info here
Friday, January 25, 2008
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this is an open discussion forum. keep it clean. personal attacks on private citizens will not be tolerated. you may discuss politics if you like but you may not rip or endorse specific local candidates.
i wondwer what privite inductry could do with that kind of money. seems like a lot of money for a building. i bet most of the labor costs will go to illegals who will ship the money out of the country and the rest to fancy things that have nothing to do with funcion
o k lets see how many people complain about their taxs being spent on education and not sports. you idiots it's all taxes just in another wraper
i would like to know how many hope students actually finish 1 complete year and then 2 years. i bet it's less than 20 %. a waste of money. that money should be going into job skilled teaching. i don't mean a tech school i mean on the job training with pay. i would bet that over 50% of the students at gordon couldn't make a 800 an the sat
Bitch and conplain.
The #1 Loser pasttime.
great for gordon. to bad all the dumb a$$ folks in bvill cant see it.
Neal, were you born with a brain deficiency or did you just get stupid with age?
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