Thursday, January 17, 2008

be on the lookout for missing pets...

lost in the morgan/barnesville road area near haygood dairy farm...

mising are peaches, a black female scottish terrier about three years old, and ollie, a shaggy female sheep dog about five years old.

if you spot these missing pets call john at 706.472.3161, 803.447.6573 or sandra at 706.647.5426.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My family too had our pet missing a couple of weeks before Christmas. While trying to find her, we found that other families were also searching for their missing pets.
If by chance the person or persons stealing family pets reads this I really think you are lower than a snake's belly. If I ever see someone stopping picking up an animal please know your tag number will go to the Police. These aren't just dogs you are stealing they are family members.