Monday, October 09, 2006

is it the responsibility of working americans...

to provide a subsistence level existence, lifetime health care and free legal advice to anyone born in this country or anyone who manages to swim, sail, walk or otherwise arrive upon our shores legally or illegally?


Anonymous said...

hell no

Anonymous said...

If by the working Americans you mean the Government that the working Americans pay for threw Taxes?

Then yes, up until a point. Maybe for a year, so the person that comes to the US can get on their feet and find a job and a place to stay or get schooling. If they don’t have those things or doing those things by then. Kick their sorry lazy butts to the curb!

I don’t have any respect for people that live off of others and don’t help themselves. Those are not people those are called leaches!

I can understand if someone needs help, but they need to want help and try to help themselves. I know if I was born in Mexico or Cuba I would want to live in America and why I shouldn’t I. That’s why I say help them get on their feet for a year and then cut them off and see what they do. If they just hold out their hand and want more send them packing! If they are doing well, great!

Anonymous said...

Si; I take all the help I can get. I take food stamps any any other help you gringos will give me. But you can not have my sister. America has been very good to me. I love America.

Anonymous said...

Depends upon if you're asking a liberal or conservative. Personally, we should send them home until we fix our own problems. And, as long as we're sending them home, we should send a pet liberal with each one to take care of them.

Anonymous said...

Should the government provide assistance to the children of needy parents (legal or illegal) or should we let them go hungry and transmit diseases to the rest of us?

Should the government provide any type of assistance to its residents? If not, we can eliminate Social Security (since
the amount the government pays individuals significantly exceeds the amount they contributed), Medicare (just let us old people get sick & die!), reduced cost school lunches (those poor kids don't need to eat) along with many other wasteful spending programs.

Heck, why should the government let you deduct your mortgage interest on taxes - that's nothing but a free handout.

Be careful what you aske for!

Anonymous said...

Charity begins at home, not for an unwanted visitor. I dislike buying something with the instructions in English and Spanish. I feel these persons should be returned to their homes, once they are caught.

wdm said...

Most Mexicans I have met are very good people. They want their kids to do better in life than they did so they made a bold move in their lives and came to America. Anybody summonsing the ships to haul them away might want to consider why the forefathers of your families came to America. To find a better life for your family. Most Mexicans I know are not looking for handouts or scamming the system. They see an obvious demand for their labor and the are fulfilling a need in our society. Remember too that when they do deport an illegal immigrant -- they leave his kids and wive here. Creating broken homes is not a good formula for success in any country.

wdm said...

Most Mexicans I have met are very good people. They want their kids to do better in life than they did so they made a bold move in their lives and came to America. Anybody summonsing the ships to haul them away might want to consider why the forefathers of your families came to America. To find a better life for your family. Most Mexicans I know are not looking for handouts or scamming the system. They see an obvious demand for their labor and the are fulfilling a need in our society. Remember too that when they do deport an illegal immigrant -- they leave his kids and wive here. Creating broken homes is not a good formula for success in any country.

wdm said...

And if you think Mexicans are bad unwanted visitors -- next time you see a Tonto Indian at Wal-mart, ask him how 'pale face' was as a visitor to their country.

Anonymous said...

This country was founded by people who entered illegally - just ask the Native Americans.

wdm said...

jarad -- Please tell me you are joking on the 'million and one years ago.'

Anonymous said...

Legal immigration is fine. Illegals need to be sent back to the country they came from.

I don't ever agree with supporting those who don't work and pay taxes unless they are seriously disabled enough to not be able to hold some sort of job, or too young or too old to work.


Anonymous said...

I agree there is a problem with the illegal immigrants and something has got to be done,BUT if the whole situation was the other way around most Americans would probably do the same thing to have a better life for their families too.

wdm said...

Cam, Just noticed you getting a little sideways on me by blaming El Presidente' Fox for all of Mexico's troubles. Mexico has had troubles for a long, long time. Well, before he was president and it will last long after he is gone. They have a totally different culture and way of life.

wdm said...

What are you flying to Mexico and sitting in on the governmental meetings? The only things you know are things that are reported -- and don't you know you can't trust the media. Their goverment pretty much is mirrored after ours with an elected president, judicial and legislative branches. But to see if you really know something about Mexico or you are just blowing smoke -- type your next blog in Spanish (and don't do any fancy computer stuff.)

wdm said...

It's not like that -- if you were fluent in Spanish I would or could at least believe you were getting information from a close source. Maybe a Mexican newspaper or internet news site. Now I know you are getting your info from US media -- you've got to watch these guys.

wdm said...

Cam -- I can assure you we hold separate opinions on immigration. I don't care what any leader, Spanish or American does, their will always be illegal immigrants coming into America. Including a 30 foot high fence along our borders. Think about this -- much of what money is in Mexico comes from the US, agree, so what leader in his right mind would want to stop that. What benefit is there to him to want to try and stop illegal immigration -- there's not because they send back the majority of the money they make. And you would be thinking the same way he is if you were in his position.

wdm said...

It's only a problem for you though -- not them.

wdm said...

It's only a problem for you though -- not them.

wdm said...

Just because you say illegal immigration is bad doesn't mean that is the case. Americans receive tons of benefits off the backs of migrant workers so that is your opinion that illegal immigration is so bad -- not mine.

wdm said...

And if you haven't figured it out by now -- the arguement isn't even an arguement. I just like reading your long winded blogs.

wdm said...

How many illegal immigrants do you employ to know about the tax system. This is where, as usual, you are talking about something you really don't know about. Here's how it is in the real world. A mexican dude goes to work for a company. The boss says you have to have a social security #. He says I have one. He hands the boss the card. The boss does tax paper work. He sends in taxes on that social security. He employs that person for years, with proof he has paid in every pay check to ss & fed & state taxes. Even though these workers are providing a fake ss#, the businesses still pay in and have been paying in. So in reality, they are paying into the system, they are just paying in to a fake social security #. Quit buying into the big media -- illegal immigration has been going on since the beginning of time (in every civilization) they are just using it as a political issue right now and have it on the frontburner. Getting people like you all emotional about it. These Mexican people are basically good people and just want to better their families. But, I have learned by now, that the way Cam sees it is the way it is.

wdm said...

Cam , I would love to buy you for what you are worth and then sell you for what you think you are worth -- then I could me a multi-millionaire like you claim to be. We all know what you do -- using a search engine to come up with stats and figures to try and legitimize your opinion. You don't have any clue other than what you have read (from government propaganda no less) about how the tax system works for immigrant workers. Being good at a game isn't the same as seeing through the game.

wdm said...

But all this knowledge you spread is coming directly from other people and other places (by your own admission.) How many illegal immigrants have you sat down and talked to? You don't even consider an entire other side of the story -- you are to busy studying other peoples theories and facts instead of developing your own. If you were driven as you try to make yourself out to be these people wouldn't even bother you -- they would just be pawns.

wdm said...

This is one of the few times I might have more personal level relationships with the subject at hand than the average American. Along with that knowledge, I also understand how the big media is the puppetmaster of American emotions. They know what they are doing. I just think they are pulling your strings on the illegal immigration deal (along with alot of other Americans.) I remember when they have done it in elections past. It's just one of those hot button issues that never dies because it will always be there. See what happens to all this tough illegal immigration after this next election -- or if North Korea keeps testing nuclear weapons. You will find out these people coming over here to do basic jobs any civilizations need done is not that big of a deal.